I have this LINQ Query:
TempRecordList = new ArrayList(TempRecordList.Cast().OrderBy(s => s.Substring(9, 30)).ToArray());
It w
To customize the sorting order you will need to create a comparer class that implements IComparer
interface. The OrderBy()
method takes comparer as second parameter.
internal sealed class NameComparer : IComparer {
private static readonly NameComparer DefaultInstance = new NameComparer();
static NameComparer() { }
private NameComparer() { }
public static NameComparer Default {
get { return DefaultInstance; }
public int Compare(string x, string y) {
int length = Math.Min(x.Length, y.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (x[i] == y[i]) continue;
if (x[i] == '-') return 1;
if (y[i] == '-') return -1;
return x[i].CompareTo(y[i]);
return x.Length - y.Length;
This works at least with the following test cases:
var names = new[] {
"Palmer-Johnson, Sean",
"Palm-Bouter, Peter",
"Dias, Reginald",
"DiBlackley, Anton",
var sorted = names.OrderBy(name => name, NameComparer.Default).ToList();
// sorted:
// [0]: "DiBlackley, Anton"
// [1]: "Dias, Reginald"
// [2]: "Palmer-Johnson, Sean"
// [3]: "Palm-Bouter, Peter"