I am trying to read in and tidy an excel file with multiple headers/sections placed at variable positions. The content of these headers need to
Assuming you have a finite list of measures (diesel, electric, etc), you can make a list to check against. Any value of col1
not in that set of measures is presumably a city. Extract those (note that it's currently a factor, so I used as.character
), fill down, and remove any heading rows.
meas <- c("Diesel", "Gasoline", "LPG", "Electric")
df %>%
mutate(city = ifelse(!col1 %in% meas, as.character(col1), NA)) %>%
tidyr::fill(city) %>%
filter(col1 != city)
#> col1 col2 city
#> 1 Diesel 80 Seattle
#> 2 Gasoline NA Seattle
#> 3 LPG 10 Seattle
#> 4 Electric 10 Seattle
#> 5 Diesel 65 Boston
#> 6 Gasoline 25 Boston
#> 7 Electric 10 Boston