I involved in project where I need to build histogram by dates. Before me this done in Java code by tons of SQL queries to DB for each rectangles (date subregions).
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You need to create your list of dates first; either by creating a calender table or by using the CONNECT BY syntax.
select to_date('01-01-2012','DD-MM-YYYY') + level - 1
from dual
connect by level <= to_date('31-12-2012','DD-MM-YYYY')
- to_date('01-01-2012','DD-MM-YYYY') + 1
You can then LEFT OUTER JOIN this to your main query to ensure the gaps are populated:
with the_dates as (
select to_date('01-01-2012','DD-MM-YYYY') + level - 1 as the_date
from dual
connect by level <= to_date('01-01-2012','DD-MM-YYYY')
- to_date('31-12-2012','DD-MM-YYYY') + 1
select sum(b.cnt), trunc(a.the_date, 'MM')
from the_dates a
left outer join data b
on a.the_date = b.date
group by trunc(a.the_date, 'MM')
order by trunc(a.the_date, 'MM')
You no longer need the WHERE clause as this is taken care of in the JOIN. Note that I'm not using the DATE column from your main table but the date from the generated one instead. This will work if you want to modify the dates to not be the end of the month but if you want it month-wise you could truncate the date in the WITH clause. You should be aware of indexes before doing this though. If your table is indexed on DATE and not TRUNC(DATE, 'MM')
then it is preferable to JOIN on DATE alone.
DATE is a bad name for a column as it's a reserved word; I suspect you're not using it but you should be aware.
If you were using a calender table it would look something like this:
select sum(b.cnt), trunc(a.the_date, 'MM')
from calender_table a
left outer join data b
on a.the_date = b.date
where a.the_date >= to_date('01-01-2012','DD-MM-YYYY')
and a.the_date <= to_date('31-12-2012','DD-MM-YYYY')
group by trunc(a.the_date, 'MM')
order by trunc(a.the_date, 'MM')