I`m not found correct way to search with linq2sql in DateTime (DateTime?) fields.
db.Items.Where(x => x.DateTime1.ToSt
Why don't you just use the Year and Month property? You should be able to convert the string input into Year and Month number. Then you do something like:
db.Items.Where(x =>
x.DateTime1.Value.Year == 2014
&& x.DateTime1.Value.Month == 8)
It will simply be converted to:
WHERE (2014 = (DATEPART (year, [Extent1].[Date])))
AND (8 = (DATEPART (month, [Extent1].[Date])))
You can use SqlFunctions.DatePart and DbFunctions.Right to produce following format yyyy.mm.dd
db.Items.Where(x =>
(SqlFunctions.DatePart("yyyy", x.DateTime) + "."
+ DbFunctions.Right("0" + SqlFunctions.DatePart("m", x.DateTime1), 2) + "."
+ DbFunctions.Right("0" + SqlFunctions.DatePart("d", x.DateTime1), 2))