does anybody have a list on the languages which Speech Synthesis API supports? Or a snippet of code I could run to find the different languages? Thanks!
The list of supported voices is different for each browser/OS combination.
I wrote a jsbin showing the voices of the browser/OS on which it's run:,output
if ('speechSynthesis' in window) {
// Start an html table for languages details
var text = 'Default Language Local Name URI ';
// Get voices; add to table markup
function loadVoices() {
var voices = speechSynthesis.getVoices();
voices.forEach(function(voice, i) {
// Add all details to table
text += '' + voice.default + ' '
+ voice.lang + ' ' + voice.localService
+ ' ' + + ' ' + voice.voiceURI;
langList.innerHTML = text;
// Chrome loads voices asynchronously.
window.speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = function(e) {
langList.innerHTML = text;
- 热议问题