I have a built an email form in a modal instance using AngularJS that contains the field sending email, recipient email, subject, and email content. The form uses input boxes an
At the node side you can create a REST end point in order to recieve a POST request from the server for the form submission of email in the modal box. The REST end-point will look like this if you have an express server.
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var app = express();
//Your NodeMailer logic comes here
In the angular part, just like you have written a service, you can create an angular factory to invoke this REST end point.
For example:
return {
postEmail: function(emailData,callback){
$http.post("/postEmail/", emailData).success(callback);
where myApp is your angular module, emailData is the emailForm data which you want to send to the server (it will be posted in the body of the request)