How to make multiple images gradient blend to each other at only certain area as in the attached image below using CSS?
What I\'ve tried:
You can combine the background: linear-gradient()
with Flexbox to achieve something like this:
div {
display: flex; /* displays flex-items (children) inline */
justify-content: space-around; /* horizontal alignment / icons are evenly distributed with equal space around them, i.e. all have equal space on both sides, that's why there are two units of space between them / you can also experiment with other values such as: "space-between", "space-evenly", "center" etc. */
align-items: center; /* vertically centered */
height: 100px;
background: linear-gradient(to right, #c3986b 45%, #0a4b67 55%); /* adjust the % to your needs, the sum of both needs to evaluate to 100% */
img {border-radius: 50%}
In the given example I've made the linear-gradient()
to be 10% of parent's width. The number is calculated by subtraction of both values in %
, 55%
- 45%
In order to increase its width, if so desired, just increase the bigger number and decrease the lower one, preferably by the same amount of %
, e.g. 40% / 60%, to leave it horizontally centered. For decreasing its width, just do the opposite.