I am trying to swap two nodes in a doubly linked list. Below is the part of program having swap function.
int swap (int x, int y)
struct node *temp = NU
This can be compacted, but if you are having problems, it can help to spell it out in detail.
typedef struct node Node;
void link( Node* a, Node* b )
a->next = b;
b->prev = a;
void swap_nodes( Node* a, Node* b )
if(a==b) return; // don't swap with yourself
// handle adjacent nodes separately
if( a->next == b )
Node* bef = a->prev;
Node* aft = b->next;
link( bef, b); // link bef, b, a, aft
link( b, a );
link( a, aft );
else if( b->next == a )
Node* bef = b->prev;
Node* aft = a->next;
link( bef, a); // link bef, a, b, aft
link( a, b );
link( b, aft );
Node* a_prv = a->prev;
Node* a_nxt = a->next;
Node* b_prv = b->prev;
Node* b_nxt = b->next;
link( a_prv, b ); link( b, a_nxt ); // links b in a's old position
link( b_prv, a ); link( a, b_nxt ); // links a in b's old position
Also note that your head node should never be null
, it should be a sentry node that links to itself if your list is empty. This means that there are never a first node, nor a last, nor is the list ever empty. This removes a ton of special cases. See here