I have 40 structures in my Workspace. I Need to write a script to calculate the directional derivatives of all the elements. Here is the code :
[dx,dy] = gradi
To answer your literal question, you should store the variables in a structure array or at least a cell array. If all of your structures have the same fields, you can access all of them by indexing a single array variable, say Structure_element
for i = 1:numel(Structure_element)
field = Structure_element(i).value
% compute gradients of field
Now to address the issue of the actual gradient computation. The gradient function computes an approximation for , where
is your matrix of data. Normally, a MATLAB function is aware of how many output arguments are requested. When you call
, the outer gradient
is called on the first output of the inner gradient
call. This means that you are currently getting an approximation for .
I suspect that you are really trying to get . To do this, you have to get both outputs from the inner call to
, pass them separately to the
outer call, and choose the correct output:
[dx,dy] = gradient(F);
[ddx, ~] = gradient(dx);
[~, ddy] = gradient(dy);
Note the separated calls. The tilde was introduced as a way to ignore function arguments in MATLAB Release 2009b. If you have an older version, just use an actual variable named junk
or something like that.