I have a column that has a formula in each row field. The formula propagates data from another Excel spreasheet. If there is nothing in the row field, though, the row remains bl
I've never done anything quite like this, but it seems to work correctly and quicky for fairly large areas. Even though you said the column is all formulas, this accounts for a mix of values and formulas, thus the outer loop stepping backwards through the Areas:
Function GetLastFormulaBlank(rngInput As Excel.Range) As Excel.Range
Dim rngFormulas As Excel.Range
Dim rngArea As Excel.Range
Dim CellCounter As Long
Dim AreaCounter As Long
Dim varAreaCells As Variant
Dim rngLastFormulaBlank As Excel.Range
Set rngFormulas = rngInput.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
For AreaCounter = rngFormulas.Areas.Count To 1 Step -1
Set rngArea = rngFormulas.Areas(AreaCounter)
varAreaCells = rngArea.Value2
If IsArray(varAreaCells) Then
For CellCounter = UBound(varAreaCells) To LBound(varAreaCells) Step -1
If varAreaCells(CellCounter, 1) = "" Then
Set rngLastFormulaBlank = rngArea.Cells(CellCounter)
Exit For
End If
Next CellCounter
If varAreaCells = "" Then
Set rngLastFormulaBlank = rngArea.Cells(1)
End If
End If
If Not rngLastFormulaBlank Is Nothing Then
Exit For
End If
Next AreaCounter
Set GetLastFormulaBlank = rngLastFormulaBlank
End Function
You'd call it like this:
Sub test()
Dim rngLastFormulaBlank As Excel.Range
Set rngLastFormulaBlank = GetLastFormulaBlank(ActiveSheet.Range("A:A"))
If Not rngLastFormulaBlank Is Nothing Then
MsgBox rngLastFormulaBlank.Address
MsgBox "no formulas with blanks in range"
End If
End Sub