I\'m trying to match feet and inches but I can\'t manage to get \"and/or\" so if first half is correct it validates:
Code: (in javascript)
Remove the +
at the end (which allows more than one instance of feet/inches right now) and check for an empty string or illegal entries like 1'2
using a separate negative lookahead assertion. I've also changed the regex so group 1 contains the feet and group 2 contains the inches (if matched):
Test it live on regex101.com.
^ # Start of string
(?! # Assert that the following can't match here:
$ # the end of string marker (excluding empty strings from match)
| # or
.*\' # any string that contains a '
[^\x22]+ # if anything follows that doesn't include a "
$ # until the end of the string (excluding invalid input like 1'2)
) # End of lookahead assertion
(?: # Start of non-capturing group:
([0-9]+) # Match an integer, capture it in group 1
\' # Match a ' (mandatory)
)? # Make the entire group optional
(?: # Start of non-capturing group:
([0-9]+) # Match an integer, capture it in group 2
\x22? # Match a " (optional)
)? # Make the entire group optional
$ # End of string