I have an interactive web application powered by jQuery where users can manipulate visual objects on the screen. When done, the \"state\" of JavaScript objects should be sent to
GET or POST will probably depend on the size of your data : there is a limit on the amout of data you can pass through GET (something like 2000 bytes ; more, depending on the browser).
There is also an other thing to take into account : if you are modifying data, you should use POST ; not GET, which is used to... get... data.
About the format, I would really not go for anything like a custom function doing any kind of stuff like base64 : I would definitly go for JSON, which is a native Javascript notation.
You can for instance have a look at :
There are many JS libraries that can generate JSON (probably every JS Framework can ; and there are standlone libraries like this one) ; and since PHP 5.2 there are functions in PHP to encode/decode it (see json_encode and json_decode)