I am using Jenkins to deploy a war file in GlassFish 4 server.But unable to deploy
war file in Glassfish 4 server.
I am following below process.
But it giv
I was able to delopy to glassfish 4 using any one method from following two methods:
Method 1 Using new version of Deploy to container Plugin
You can clone following from github (Note: you can try with new version of plugin)
Now build the project and in target folder you can find deploy.hpi file which can be install in jenkins. This version has support for Glassfish 4.
To install plugin manually: How to install a plugin in Jenkins manually
Method 2 Add following in jenkins as execute shell.Update the value as required and create glassfish password file.It will undelpoy the ear file and deploy the new one.
#!/bin/bash # FOR JENKINS # Update following values as required GLASSFISH_PASSWORD_FILE_PATH=/home/pwd ASADMIN_PATH="/home/glassfish4/glassfish/bin/asadmin" ASADMIN_BASE_CMD="$ASADMIN_PATH --host --port 9048 --user admin2 --passwordfile $GLASSFISH_PASSWORD_FILE_PATH" DEPLOY_EAR_FILE_PATH="Dummy-project-ear/target" DEPLOY_EAR_FILE_NAME="Dummy-project-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT.ear" UNDEPLOY_EAR_NAME="Dummy-project-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT" # Commands $ASADMIN_BASE_CMD list-applications $ASADMIN_BASE_CMD undeploy $UNDEPLOY_EAR_NAME $ASADMIN_BASE_CMD deploy $DEPLOY_EAR_FILE_PATH/$DEPLOY_EAR_FILE_NAME