So I am trying to find the height of my images then add a top margin this enables me to impose a a vertical center.
I\'m running this code, and on an F5 refresh<
You need to insure the image has loaded before asking the browser for its height. If that image path is living in the html you will unfortunately need a jquery pluggin to handle this in a cross browser manner.
Or you will have to wait for the window.onload event which in jquery looks like this:
$(window).on('load', function(){....
However if you use the window load event, it will wait until ALL resources have loaded and depending on your site that can be a serious delay when compared to measuring just the image itself.
Or if you are comfortable with loading the image from javascript, simply ordering your code properly will handle this:
var loadTester = new Image(),
imgH = $('#image').attr('src',loadTester.src).height();
loadTester.src = "paht/to/image.jpg";
The reason you are seeing a difference in the manner you reload the page, is that a simple refresh does not clear the cache, so the image is already loaded. When you hit ctrl+f5 it clears the cache and so the image is not yet loaded when you ask the browser for the height.
For cache control durring development consider getting the firefox web-developer toolbar.