I\'m reading in a line from a file (char by char, using fgetc()), where all fields(firstname, lastname, ...) are seperated by an ;
. What I now want to do is create
It may be that Helper Method wants each of the "fields" written to a nul-terminated string. I cannot tell. You can do that with strtok(). However strtok() has problems - it destroys the original string "fed" to it.
#define SPLIT_ARRSZ 20 /* max possible number of fields */
char **
split( char *result[], char *w, const char *delim)
int i=0;
char *p=NULL;
for(i=0, result[0]=NULL, p=strtok(w, delim); p!=NULL; p=strtok(NULL, delim), i++ )
return result;
char *result[SPLIT_ARRSZ]={NULL};
char str[]="1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;This is the last field\n";
char *w=strdup(str);
int i=0;
split(result, w, ";\n");
for(i=0; result[i]!=NULL; i++)
printf("Field #%d = '%s'\n", i, result[i]);