I am fetching multiple entities 100+ from datastore using the below Query
return entity.query(ancestor = ancestorKey).filter(entity<
FWIW, you shouldn't expect meaningful results from datastore performance tests performed locally, using either the development server or the datastore emulator - they're just emulators, they don't have the same performance (or even the 100% equivalent functionality) as the real datastore.
Credit goes to @snakecharmerb, who correctly identified the culprit, confirmed by OP:
Be aware that performance characteristics in the cloud may differ from those on your local machine. You really want to be running these tests in the cloud. – snakecharmerb yesterday
@snakecharmerb you were right on your suggestion! Just tested on the cloud it's actually the other way around on the cloud in terms of performance. fetch() ~550ms, fetch(keysonly) then get_multi was ~700ms seems that fetch() works better on the cloud! – Khaled yesterday