I\'ve got rather silly question but I hope that you can help me with that.
I\'ve got class with multiple vectors, and this vectors have different storage types.
This may be a use case for a Tagged Tuple library. It makes it possible to index containers by associated type. So code dealing with dozens of similar vector
fields becomes generic:
class BaseClass{::std::string Name;};
class B : public BaseClass{};
class C : public BaseClass{};
class A
public: template using
t_Vector = ::std::vector<::std::pair<::std::string, x_Item>>;
public: using
t_Vectors = ::n_vtt::n_container::t_TaggedTuple
/ index type -> value type mapping
B, t_Vector
, C, t_Vector
private: t_Vectors m_vectors;
public: template void
Add_Item(x_Item && item)
// invoke either Get_MutableItem or Get_MutableItem
// add item into corresponding std::vector
.emplace_back(::std::string{}, ::std::forward(item));
int main()
A a;
C c{};
return 0;