Is it possible to get text (line or sentence) from a given line number in MS Word using office automation? I mean its ok if I can get either the text in the given line number or
Fortunately after some epic searching I got a solution.
object file = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + @"\Answer.doc";
Word.Application wordObject = new Word.ApplicationClass();
wordObject.Visible = false;
object nullobject = Missing.Value;
Word.Document docs = wordObject.Documents.Open
(ref file, ref nullobject, ref nullobject, ref nullobject,
ref nullobject, ref nullobject, ref nullobject, ref nullobject,
ref nullobject, ref nullobject, ref nullobject, ref nullobject,
ref nullobject, ref nullobject, ref nullobject, ref nullobject);
String strLine;
bool bolEOF = false;
int index = 0;
object unit = Word.WdUnits.wdLine;
object count = 1;
wordObject.Selection.MoveEnd(ref unit, ref count);
strLine = wordObject.Selection.Text;
richTextBox1.Text += ++index + " - " + strLine + "\r\n"; //for our understanding
object direction = Word.WdCollapseDirection.wdCollapseEnd;
wordObject.Selection.Collapse(ref direction);
if (wordObject.Selection.Bookmarks.Exists(@"\EndOfDoc"))
bolEOF = true;
} while (!bolEOF);
docs.Close(ref nullobject, ref nullobject, ref nullobject);
wordObject.Quit(ref nullobject, ref nullobject, ref nullobject);
docs = null;
wordObject = null;
Here's the genius behind the code. Follow the link for some more explanation on how it works.