I`m trying to make static binary under MAC OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) which is not require mono runtime. This is almost clean machine with the latest updates and the latest XCode.
To clarify, you need to add the following to that last cc command:
-framework CoreFoundation -lobjc -liconv
So in your case the command:
cc -arch i386 -o client-patcher -Wall pkg-config --cflags mono-2 temp.c -lz pkg-config --libs-only-L mono-2 pkg-config --variable=libdir mono-2/libmono-2.0.a pkg-config --libs-only-l mono-2 | sed -e "s/\-lmono-2.0 //" temp.o
Should be re-written with those flags in front of cc:
cc -framework CoreFoundation -lobjc -liconv -arch i386 -o client-patcher -Wall pkg-config --cflags mono-2 temp.c -lz pkg-config --libs-only-L mono-2 pkg-config --variable=libdir mono-2/libmono-2.0.a pkg-config --libs-only-l mono-2 | sed -e "s/-lmono-2.0 //" temp.o
Simply cut/paste that last cc command, add those flags to it, cut/paste back into the terminal, hit enter and enjoy.