I wrote a program that sets-up peer-to-peer links. The programm, which can be found at http://basyl.co.uk/code/punch/doc/files/Readme-txt.html, is in two parts: a server that r
So in summary, the client doesn't work on a particular host when the server is on the same host. Any suggestions for reasons for this behaviour
Could it be that the server sees clientA as being on (or maybe a non-routable LAN address?) and not its public IP-address?
If clientB tries to contact clientA using the wrong address, it's obvious why the UDP-datagram doesn't get to the intended recipient.
or for ways I could investigate this further?
Some output from tcpdump
from both the server (AKA clientA) and clientB would help a lot. You might want to use -i any
and maybe -s 0