I need to generate infinite sorted list of all coprimes. The first element in each pair must be less than the second. The sorting must be done in ascending order -- by the sum o
While probably not the most optimal way it should works if you first generate all possible pairs and then filter them.
So using your criteria:
pairs :: [(Integer,Integer)]
pairs = [ (i,l-i) | l <- [1..], i <- [1..l-1] ]
coprimes :: [(Integer,Integer)]
coprimes = [ (i,j) | (i,j) <- pairs, 1 < i, i < j,gcd i j == 1]
λ> take 10 coprimes
now of course you can put some of the stuff 1 < i
and i < j
comes to mind into the pairs
definition or even join them but I think here it's more obvious what's going on