I\'m new to R programming and I\'m stuck on the example below.
Basically I have two data sets:
ID Category
1 CatZ
You can stack df2
on top of df1
and keep the first instance for each ID
With tidyverse
that would be :
bind_rows(df2,df1) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
slice(1) %>%
# # A tibble: 4 x 2
# ID Category
# 1 1 Cat600
# 2 2 CatVV
# 3 3 Cat611
# 4 4 CatQQ
Or a base version (which reorders the rows) :
subset(rbind(df2,df1), !duplicated(ID))
# ID Category
# 1 1 Cat600
# 2 3 Cat611
# 4 2 CatVV
# 6 4 CatQQ