I have read the article "Ubuntu Installation --Guide for Ubuntu 14.04 with a 64 bit processor." from Github website (https://github.com/tiangolo/caffe/blob/ubuntu-tuto
You can edit /caffe/python/caffe/_caffe.cpp . There are four places need to change,like this
bp::register_ptr_to_python > >();
const boost::python::type_info cinfo = boost::python::type_id > >();
const boost::python::converter::registration* creg = boost::python::converter::registry::query(cinfo);
if (creg == NULL)
bp::register_ptr_to_python > >();
else if ((*creg).m_to_python == NULL) {
bp::register_ptr_to_python > >();
then compile use 'make pycaffe' ,it will be ok.