currently I\'m working with Kafka / Zookeeper and pySpark (1.6.0).
I have successfully created a kafka consumer, which is using the KafkaUtils.createDirectStream()
I encountered similar question. You are right, by using directStream, means using kafka low-level API directly, which didn't update reader offset. there are couple of examples for scala/java around, but not for python. but it's easy to do it by yourself, what you need to do are:
for example, I save the offset for each partition in redis by doing:
stream.foreachRDD(lambda rdd: save_offset(rdd))
def save_offset(rdd):
ranges = rdd.offsetRanges()
for rng in ranges:
rng.untilOffset # save offset somewhere
then at the begin, you can use:
fromoffset = {}
topic_partition = TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)
fromoffset[topic_partition]= int(value) #the value of int read from where you store previously.
for some tools that use zk to track offset, it's better to save the offset in zookeeper. this page: describe how to set the offset, basically, the zk node is: /consumers/[consumer_name]/offsets/[topic name]/[partition id] as we are using directStream, so you have to make up a consumer name.