I am new to API integration and PHP. I recently integrated a VIN decoder into my app. Enter a vehicle\'s VIN into the input box, select submit, and all information regarding tha
I recommend a "master" array to filter and prepare your categorically grouped data. See inline comments for more explanation:
Code: (Demo)
Your Master Array:
$master = [
"General" => [
"Make" => "",
"ModelYear" => "",
"Model" => "",
"BodyClass" => "",
"Doors" => "",
"Series" => "",
"VehicleType" => ""
"Safety" => [
"AirBagLocCurtain" => "",
"AirBagLocFront" => "",
"AirBagLocSide" => "",
"SeatBeltsAll" => ""
"Engine" => [
"DisplacementCC" => "",
"DisplacementCI" => "",
"DisplacementL" => "",
"EngineCylinders" => "",
"EngineHP" => "",
"EngineKW" => "",
"EngineManufacturer" => "",
"EngineModel" => "",
"TransmissionStyle" => "",
"OtherEngineInfo" => "",
"FuelTypePrimary" => "",
"FuelTypeSecondary" => ""
"Factory" => [
"Manufacturer" => "",
"ManufacturerId" => "",
"PlantCity" => "",
"PlantCountry" => ""
"Other" => [
"ErrorCode" => "",
"TPMS" => ""
foreach ($master as $category => &$items) { // allow modification of $master data with &
foreach ($items as $k => &$v) { // allow modification of $master data with &
if (isset($json['Results'][0][$k]) && strlen($json['Results'][0][$k])) { // only bother to process/display desired keys and non-empty values
$new = $json['Results'][0][$k];
if ($k == "DisplacementCC") {
$v = "Engine Displacement 2: $new cc's";
} elseif ($k == "DisplacementCI") {
$v = "Engine Displacement 3: $new ci's";
} elseif ($k == "DisplacementL") {
$v = "Engine Displacement 1: " . round($new, 1) . " liters";
} elseif ($k == "EngineKW") {
$v = "Kilowatts: $new kw";
} elseif ($k == "EngineManufacturer") {
$v = "Engine Manufacturer: $new";
} elseif ($k == "EngineModel") {
$v = "Engine Model: $new";
} elseif ($k == "FuelTypePrimary") {
$v = "Primary Fuel Type: $new";
} elseif ($k == "FuelTypeSecondary") {
$v = "Secondary Fuel Type: $new";
} elseif ($k == "EngineHP") {
$v = "Horsepower: $new hp";
} elseif ($k == "EngineCylinders") {
$v = "Engine Size: $new cylinders";
} else {
$v = "$k: $new";
} else {
unset($master[$category][$k]); // remove unwanted element from master
unset($items, $v); // just as a precaution to eliminate the referenced variables
echo "{$json['Results'][0]['VIN']}\n\n";
// now iterate the updated $master multi-dimensional array and only display the "good stuff"
foreach ($master as $category => $items) {
if (!empty($items)) { // only display categories & rows of data when the category holds 1 or more values
echo "$category - br>";
foreach ($items as $v) {
echo "$v";
echo "";
General - br>
Make: AUDI
ModelYear: 2015
Model: A4
BodyClass: Sedan/Saloon
Doors: 4
Series: Premium quattro
Safety - br>
AirBagLocCurtain: All Rows
AirBagLocFront: 1st Row (Driver & Passenger)
AirBagLocSide: 1st Row (Driver & Passenger)
SeatBeltsAll: Manual
Engine - br>
Engine Displacement 2: 1984 cc's
Engine Displacement 3: 121.071108283 ci's
Engine Displacement 1: 2 liters
Engine Size: 4 cylinders
Horsepower: 220 hp
Kilowatts: 164.0540 kw
Engine Manufacturer: Audi
Engine Model: Flex Fuel Capable engine
TransmissionStyle: Automatic
OtherEngineInfo: Fuel: Gas (50-St); Federal / California Emission Standard: BIN 5 / ULEV II; Emissions Certification Test Group: FVGAV02.0AUB / FVGAJ02.0AUF E85
Primary Fuel Type: Gasoline
Secondary Fuel Type: Ethanol (E85)
Factory - br>
Manufacturer: AUDI
ManufacturerId: 1149
PlantCity: Ingolstadt
PlantCountry: Germany
Other - br>
ErrorCode: 0 - VIN decoded clean. Check Digit (9th position) is correct
TPMS: Indirect
*note, you can use !empty()
rather than isset()
then strlen()
ONLY if you KNOW that you will never have 0
as a valid value. empty()
will mistake 0
as a "falsy"/"empty" value and silently call for the element's removal from the master array.