The following code works without problem:
#encoding: utf-8
class Text
def initialize(txt)
@txt = txt
def inspect
\"\" % @txt
The error message explains already the why: inspected result must be ASCII only or use the default external encoding
In this case the inspect-command gets a UTF-8 character (Not ASCII), but the default encoding seems to be another.
The default encoding can be read in Encoding.default_external
To avoid the error you must encode the result of inspect:
#encoding: utf-8
class Text
def initialize(txt)
@txt = txt
def inspect
#force ASCII and replace invalid/undefined characters
("" % @txt).encode('ASCII', :undef => :replace, :invalid => :replace)
p'Hä, was soll das?') #->
Instead of ASCII
in encode
you can use also Encoding.default_external
("" % @txt).encode(Encoding.default_external, :undef => :replace)