I have following definitions: (definition of positive integers as a subtype of nat)
Definition Z_pos_filter (p: nat) : bool :=
if (beq_nat p 0) then false else
Here is how I would do it in vanilla Coq. I'm assuming we can still tweak the definitions.
From Coq Require Import Arith.
Local Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
Definition Z_pos: Set := {n : nat | 0 n }.
Definition Z_pos__N (p: Z_pos): nat := proj1_sig p.
Definition Z_pos_mult : Z_pos -> Z_pos -> Z_pos.
intros [x xpos%Nat.ltb_lt] [y ypos%Nat.ltb_lt].
refine (exist _ (x * y) _).
now apply Nat.ltb_lt, Nat.mul_pos_pos.
Lemma compat: forall p q: Z_pos, Z_pos__N (Z_pos_mult p q) = Z_pos__N p * Z_pos__N q.
Proof. now intros [x xpos] [y ypos]. Qed.
Let me add that dealing with this kind of thing is much more pleasant in SSReflect/Mathcomp.