I\'m trying to find elements in iframe but it doesn\'t work.
Is there anyone who have some system to run tests with Cypress in iframe? Some way to get in iframe and work
This works for me locally and via CI. Credit: Gleb Bahmutov iframes blog post
export const getIframeBody = (locator) => {
// get the iframe > document > body
// and retry until the body element is not empty
return cy
// wraps "body" DOM element to allow
// chaining more Cypress commands, like ".find(...)"
// https://on.cypress.io/wrap
spec file:
let iframeStripe = 'iframe[name="stripe_checkout_app"]'
getIframeBody(iframeStripe).find('button[type="submit"] .Button-content > span').should('have.text', `Buy me`)