How do I reverse the words in this string including the punctuation?
String.prototype.reverse = function () {
return this.split(\'\').reverse().join(\'\');
You can imagine that you receive a stream of letters and you have to construct words based on some separators (like: spaces, commas, dashes .etc).
While reading each character you keep constructing the word in reverse.
When you hit any separator you finished the word.
Now you just add it to the result and append the separator (this way the separators will not be put at the beginning of the word, but at the end).
Here is an example:
const inputString = "HELLO, Welcome to Google's meeting. My name is Jean-Piere... Bye";
console.log('Normal words: ', inputString);
const result = reverseWords(inputString);
console.log('Words reversed: ', result);
function reverseWords(str='', separators=' ,.-') {
let result = '';
let word = '';
for (const char of str) {
if (separators.includes(char)) {
result += word + char;
word = '';
} else {
word = char + word;
// Adds last remaining word, if there is no separator at the end.
result += word;
return result;