I am trying to read this dataset from Kaggle: Amazon sales rank data for print and kindle books
The file amazon_com_extras.csv
has a column named \"Title\"
This is happening to you because there are fields inside the document that contain unescaped quotes inside the quoted text.
I am not aware of a way to instruct the csv parser to handle that without preprocessing.
If you don't care about those columns, you can use
pd.read_csv("amazon_com_extras.csv", engine="python", sep=',', quotechar='"', error_bad_lines=False)
That will disable the Exception from being raised, but it will remove the affected lines (you will see that in the console).
An example of such a line:
"1405246510","book","hardcover",""Hannah Montana" Annual 2010","Unknown","Egmont Books Ltd"
Notice the quotes.
Instead, a more standard dialect of csv would have rendered:
1405246510,"book","hardcover","""Hannah Montana"" Annual 2010","Unknown","Egmont Books Ltd"
You can, for example, load the file with Libreoffice and re-save it as CSV again to get a working CSV dialect or use other preprocessing techniques.