Development from the previous thread found that the assumptions when asking the question were off-topic (subprocess was actually not causing the problems), so I\'m making a more
As Nahuel and tripleee explained, the problem is with the messages being BYTES instead of strings. However, their code didn't exactly work, and still threw out errors, and I have no idea why. By cross-referencing with Google's sample code for the pubsub appengine website, and a few more hours of trial and error, I have found the following code to be working. Might be inelegant and/or have bad practices, in that case please edit it and make it more robust.
#Continues from after message.ack(), above code remains unchanged
#except needing to
#this makes a a true python dict with strings.
payload = json.loads('utf-8'))
#this finds the value of the dict with key "name"
namepath = payload["name"]
#this is just a static string to pre-pend to the file path
dirpath = "/home/[redacted]/"
#combine them into a single functioning path
fullpath = dirpath + namepath
#currently type 'unicode', so convert them to type 'str'
fullpath = fullpath.encode("utf-8")
And at the end we will have a fullpath that is purely type 'str' to be used by later functions/commands.