How to randomly select a line/ip out of a text file, and set it as a variable.
I mean something like:
set IP=TheLine/IPFromOfTheFile
Firstly you need to know the number of lines present in the text file textfile.txt
for /F %%N in ('type "textfile.txt" ^| find /C /V ""') do set NUM=%%N
Then calculate the random number in the range from 0
to NUM-1
Finally pick the line from the text file and store it in LINE
holds the number of lines to skip by the for /F
if %RND% EQU 0 (set "SKIP=") else (set "SKIP=skip=%RND% ")
for /F "usebackq %SKIP%delims=" %%L in ("textfile.txt") do (
set "LINE=%%L"
goto :NEXT
This relies on the fact that the text file does not contain any empty lines.