It\'s a little hard to resume it in a single title, so here my situation.
I\'m building a C# application that loads a C++ library.
I call functions from that C++ DLL
So ok, after a few test on starting back to zero, I finally managed to get this callback running !
So here is the test project I created to use the callback.
LIBRARY TestCallBack
__declspec(dllexport) void callCSharpFunction ( void *fctPointer(int) )
This C++ project is being built as a "DLL" file and put within a "lib" project in the C#'s project folder.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
// Set the library path
const string dllFilePath =
// This is the delegate type that we use to marshal
// a function pointer for C to use. You usually need
// to specify the calling convention so it matches the
// convention of your C library. The signature of this
// delegate must match the signature of the C function
// pointer we want to use.
delegate void FunctionPointer( int nb);
// This is the function we import from the C library.
[DllImport(dllFilePath, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void callCSharpFunction(IntPtr fctPointer);
// This is the placeholder for the function pointer
// we create using Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate
static IntPtr FctPtr;
// This is the instance of the delegate to which our function
// pointer will point.
FunctionPointer MyFunctionPointer;
// This calls the specified delegate using the C library.
void CallFunctionPointer(FunctionPointer cb)
// make sure the delegate isn't null
if (null == cb) throw new ArgumentNullException("cb");
// set our delegate place holder equal to the specified delegate
MyFunctionPointer = cb;
// Get a pointer to the delegate that can be passed to the C lib
FctPtr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(MyFunctionPointer);
// call the imported function with that function pointer.
static void Main(string[] args)
// This is the instance of the delegate to which our function
// pointer will point.
FunctionPointer printInConsoleDelegate;
// Create the delegate object "MyFunctionPointer" that references
printInConsoleDelegate = new FunctionPointer(printInConsole);
// Get a pointer to the delegate that can be passed to the C lib
IntPtr printInConsolePtr =
"Call C++ which's calling back C# func \"printInConsole\"");
// Call C++ which calls C#
// Stop the console until user's pressing Enter
public static void printInConsole(int nb)
// Write the parameter in the console
Console.WriteLine("value = " + nb + "; ");