I open a view from a xib programmatically. This
xib view contains a UIButton
. The xib opens successf
whenever you want to load a VC as the way you mentioned, you need two things.
Thing 1: Specific storyboard ID. you will find this by:
UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Your_Storyboard_Id" bundle:nil];
In my case this is Main
Thing 2:
You need your View Controller id. Just click on the View Controller you want to go from storyboard and give a suitableName there.
Then invoke this like:
UIViewController * yourVC = [storyboard
instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"YourVC_ID"] ;
And if you want to present it modally you already did this. :)
[self presentViewController:yourVC animated:YES completion:nil];