Is there any way to save a pipeline configuration or an item configuration in Git or anywhere else, so that when my Jenkins machine is crashed, i can migrate the saved configur
I would ( as a start ) get yourself - which keeps history of all Changes made to Jobs , System config etc - has saved me multiple times.
Also , you could setup a cron job outside Jenkins to git push your Job config.
I setup to push the Jobs folder content ( including Build history - but you could exclude that - Correctly ignore all files recursively under a specific folder except for a specific file type ref ) .
My script ( i had SSH stuff previously setup )
cd /this/that/other/jenkins_data/jobs/
NOW=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y-%r")
git add .
git commit -m "Jenkins Backup $NOW"
git push -u origin jenkins-backup
This way gives me piece of mind , I have RSYNC to another box and I also have a Backup plugin running too... ( i was stung once - not again! )
Hope this helps.