I wrote the last days on my nav-bar-menu whit KnpMenuBundle. I want simply to give the template a few parameters on the way and then react on it. Is it possible? I tried this:>
Here is how i did it
The Menu class:
$menu->addChild('Home', array(
'route' => 'home',
'extras' => array('icon' => 'home')
My menu call in the template, i ask for a specific twig template
{{ knp_menu_render('MyBundle:Menu:primaryNav', {'template': 'MyBundle:Menu:primaryNav.html.twig'}) }}
In the twig template, i copy/paste the knpmenubundle template and edit some blocks. you may be able to do this with 'extends' and template's inheritance stuffs as well (probably a better idea).
Example of edited block for icon :
{% block spanElement %}
{% if item.extras.icon is defined %}{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
What you needed was probably this "extras" field in the menu class :)