i am trying to make an inversed document index, therefore i need to know from all unique words in a collection in which doc they occur and how often.
i have used this an
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from os.path import join
from glob import glob as glob_
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from string import punctuation
WORKDIR = 'temp/'
FILETYPE = '*.html'
OUTF = 'doc_{0}'.format
def extract(text, startTag='', endTag='
"""Extract text between start tag and end tag
Start at first char following first occurrence of startTag
If none, begin at start of text
End at last char preceding first subsequent occurrence of endTag
If none, end at end of text
return text.split(startTag, 1)[-1].split(endTag, 1)[0]
def main():
DocWords = defaultdict(dict)
infnames = glob_(join(WORKDIR, FILETYPE))
for docId,infname in enumerate(infnames, 1):
outfname = OUTF(docId)
with open(infname) as inf:
text = inf.read().lower()
words = extract(text).strip(punctuation).split()
for wd,num in Counter(words).iteritems():
DocWords[wd][outfname] = num
if __name__ == '__main__':