My GraphQL query looks like this:
p1: property(someArgs: \"some_value\") {
nestedField {
moreNestedField {
You can pass the value through the parent field like this:
function propertyResolver (parent, { someArgs }) {
const property = await getProperty()
property.someArgs = someArgs
return property
function nestedPropertyResolver ({ someArgs }) {
const nestedProperty = await getNestedProperty()
nestedProperty.someArgs = someArgs
return nestedProperty
function moreNestedPropertyResolver ({ someArgs }) {
// do something with someArgs
Note that will this works, it may also point to an underlying issue with your schema design in the first place. Depending on how you're resolving these fields (getting them from a database, making requests to another API, etc.), it may be preferable to take a different approach altogether -- for example, by eager loading everything inside the root resolver. Without more context, though, it's hard to make any additional recommendations.