I am trying to calculate the values of radio buttons and checkboxes. I have the radio buttons working as required but cannot get the script right for the checkboxes. I want the
In Javascript if there is single texbox of a specific name then length function will be return undefined
Here you can do two things.
First there is only single field of subtotal so u can assign value direct to val4 like given below
val4 = document.form4.price4.value;
Second If you want to run for loop then
var val4 = 0;
var form4 = document.form4.getElementsByTagName('input');
for( i = 0; i < form4.length; i++ ){
if(form4[i].type == 'text' && form4[i].name == 'price4'){
if(isNaN(parseInt(form4[i].value)) == false){
val4 = parseInt(parseInt(val4) + parseInt(form4[i].value));
In function
i hope it will be work for you