How can i logout from twitter from my application using fabric framework in iOS

后端 未结 4 1358
离开以前 2021-01-21 19:50

In my iOS application, i am integrate twitter login using fabric frameworkTWTRComposer”. it is working fine when first time login and post t

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-21 20:18

    Removing cookies - doesnt help.

    I invent my own flow for relogin:

    (I need user email to further login so only WebBasedLogin)

    // Get first twitter acc (check if it exists etc...)
    // This method will be used if user the same
    TWTRLoginMethod loginMethod = TWTRLoginMethodSystemAccounts;
    // Check if it is the Previous twitter user (whom was stored in userDefaults)
    if (![[STLUserDataManager lastTwitterUser] isEqualToString:[firstTwitterAccount username]])
    // if user is new - ForceLogin
        loginMethod = TWTRLoginMethodWebBasedForceLogin;
    // inside completion
    // Store userName in userDefaults
    [STLUserDataManager storeTwitterUser:[firstTwitterAccount username]];
