I\'m trying to scrape a table from the following website:
The table
Here is and another messy solution. Read the page, save it, reread it, remove the comment markers and then process the page:
gameUrl <- "http://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_2016.html?lid=header_seasons#all_misc_stats"
gameHtml <- gameUrl %>% read_html()
#gameHtml %>% html_nodes("tbody")
#Only save and work with the body
write_xml(body, "nba.xml")
#Find and remove comments
lines<-lines[-grep("", lines)]
writeLines(lines, "nba2.xml")
#Read the file back in and process normally
#Table 10 was found by looking at all of tables and picking the one of interest
tableofinterest<-(html_nodes(body, "tbody")[10])
rows<-html_nodes(tableofinterest, "tr")
tableOfResults<-t(sapply(rows, function(x) {html_text(html_nodes(x, "td"))}))
#find titles from the frist record's attributes
titles<-html_attrs(html_nodes(rows[1], "td"))
dfnames<-unlist(titles)[seq(2, 2*length(titles), by=2)]
#Final results are stored in data frame "df"
This code works but should be simplified! This was based on a similar solution which I posted here: How to get table using rvest()