I can\'t figure out what\'s going on here.
I was updating a site that still had a marquee tag in use, so I replaced with a much smoother (though, still a marquee) css an
I think there are two ways you can address this issue for Safari.
The first is using JavaScript to kickstart your animation.
Using Charles proxy, I manipulated the response so that this:
became this:
Then, I injected the following JS at the bottom of the page:
which immediately addressed the issue.
If you don't mind adding JS to your page, I would recommend this approach.
If you can't add JS, or prefer not to, I found making the following change to the CSS animation also worked:
.marquee span {
-webkit-animation: moveSlideshow 165s linear infinite;
.marquee span {
-webkit-animation: moveSlideshow 165s steps(10000) infinite;
While this works, I found it wasn't as "smooth" as using linear timing...