The Program must accept an integer N. The program must print all the stepping number from 10 to N, if there is no such number present the program should print -1 as
Maybe the main trick here is that the max range is 10^7. If we consider each digit as a node of the graph, we can traverse it with bfs/dfs and at each point, we can only move to the adjacent node (digit + 1, digit -1). Because the maximum depth is only 7, the solution should be pretty fast.
Here's a rough DFS implementation, you can improve the details.
sol_list = []
def dfs(i, num, N):
# print(i, num)
if num > N: # too much, need to break
if num <= N and num >= 10: # perfect range, add to solution, I can add some repeated solution as I called dfs(i+1,0,N) multiple times
global sol_list
# print(num)
sol_list.append(num) # add to solution
if i > 7:
if num == 0: # I can call another 0
dfs(i+1, 0, N) # this is not needed if the numbers are added in the previous list without checking
last_dig = num % 10
if last_dig == 0:
dfs(i+1, num*10 + 1, N) # if last digit is 0, we can only choose 1 as next digit not -1
elif last_dig == 9:
dfs(i+1, num*10 + 8, N)
dfs(i+1, num*10 + (last_dig-1), N)
dfs(i+1, num*10 + (last_dig+1), N)
import time
t1 = time.time()
[dfs(0, i, 10000000) for i in range(10)] # staring with every digit possible 0-9
t2 = time.time()
sol = sorted(set(sol_list))
print(sol) # added some repeated solutions, it's easier to set them