How can you use a java class within one activity, by that I mean is having different components of that activity spread out in a bunch of java classes. I\'m a little new to andr
like a before post XD with 1 java class, call it again after pressing buttons, for example, you can have a invisible buttons, radiobuttons whatever you want invisible and just with a click it turns visible and useful for you, here i go:
First the variable which controls the activity are going to do
String num ="";
then have your buttons, i use 2 of them and the others are invisible
Button bn1;
Button bn2;
Button bn3;
Button bn4;
then the button code, depends on how many buttons you want
Button.setOnClickListener(new Button onclickListener(){
public void onClick(){
//get a default variable in this case String num
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, MainActivity.class); num="cero"; intent.putExtra("po", num);
CodigoPeticion=2; startActivityForResult (intent,CodigoPeticion); finish(); break;
this one to get the String num:
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
if (extras!= null) {
num =extras.getString("po");
and at last but not least this one to do someting depending the String:
if (num.matches("cero")){
//do something, enable more buttons, disable radiobuttons,
}else if(num.matches("one")){//this string is from another button
//do something else in the same activity, as you spected enable radiobuttons, show a image, etc
//some textview with a specific title
TextView.setText("Something's Wrong");
don't forget the bn3 and bn4 listeners!
hope that helps you, see ya!