Because right now, viewWithTag
actually search for itself first, and then all subviews recursively down the whole subtree, for a view with that tag.
But wha
For 1 level:
UIView *view;
for (int i = 0; i < viewToSearch.subviews.count; i++){
UIView *subview = viewToSearch.subviews[i];
if (subview.tag == tagToSeach){
view = subview;
To search a view hierarchy with multiple levels:
__block UIView *view;
BOOL (^__block searchViewForTag)(UIView *,NSInteger) = ^(UIView *aView, NSInteger tag){
for (UIView *subview in aView.subviews){
if (subview.tag == tag){
view = subview;
return YES;
if (searchViewForTag(subview,tag)) return YES;
return NO;
NSInteger tagToSearchFor = 1;
//Do something with view