I have a larger stored procedure which utilizes several TRY/CATCH blocks in order to catch and log individual errors. I have also wrapped a transaction around the entire content
You can try something like below ,which ensures you log the operation.This takes advantage of the fact that table variables dont get rollbacked..
Psuedo code only to give you idea:
create table test1
id int primary key
create table logg
errmsg varchar(max)
declare @errmsg varchar(max)
set xact_abort on
begin try
begin tran
insert into test1
select 1
insert into test1
select 1
end try
begin catch
set @errmsg=ERROR_MESSAGE()
select @errmsg as "in block"
if @@trancount>0
rollback tran
end catch
set xact_abort off
select @errmsg as "after block";
insert into logg
select @errmsg
select * from logg