I am learning about BroadCast Receivers. What I am trying to achieve with the following piece of code is, I would like to see a toast when I switch to airplane mode, where the a
From the android documentation :
As part of the Android 8.0 (API level 26) Background Execution Limits, apps that target the API level 26 or higher can no longer register broadcast receivers for implicit broadcasts in their manifest. However, several broadcasts are currently exempted from these limitations. Apps can continue to register listeners for the following broadcasts, no matter what API level the apps target.
Google Play will require that new apps target at least Android 8.0 (API level 26) from August 1, 2018, and that app updates target Android 8.0 from November 1, 2018.
"android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE" is no longer in the list of exempted broadcasts. So, register your broadcast receiver in activity rather than in AndroidManifest.