I have an HTML problem that is pretty tricky and I\'m not sure there is a CSS-based solution for it. Basically I have a three column grid. The first and third columns can contai
Per recommendations by a few folks, I ended up using some simple javascript to get this done:
$(document).ready(function() {
var c1Rows = $(".col1 .row").length;
var c3Rows = $(".col3 .row").length;
var minHeight = 50;
var max = Math.max(c1Rows, c3Rows);
var totalHeight = max * minHeight;
$(".col1 .row").css("height", totalHeight / c1Rows);
$(".col2 .row").css("height", totalHeight);
$(".col3 .row").css("height", totalHeight / c3Rows);