I want to make it so the user enters his name/age and it outputs the name and age in ten years. I have set it out like this:
print(\"Let\'s find out how old
Better use string formatting:
print('\n{} you will be {} in ten years.'.format(name, ageinten))
or use sep=''
, but then you'd have to add trailing and leading spaces to the strings.:
print("\n", name, " you will be ", ageinten, " in ten years.", sep='')
Default value of sep
is a space, that's why you're getting a space.
>>> name = 'Example'
>>> ageinten = '20'
>>> print("\n",name," you will be ",ageinten," in ten years.", sep='')
Example you will be 20 in ten years.
>>> print('\n{} you will be {} in ten years.'.format(name, ageinten))
Example you will be 20 in ten years.