I am facing this problem on my site Mage registry key \"_singleton/core/resource\" already exists, Please help me how to solve this error.
I have checked the folder and
Put this file in your Magento root folder ie: clear-cache.php
and execute it through terminal.
php /home/magento/www/clear-cache.php
This will clear all cache and rebuild all indexes.
Fixed the issue you described in Magento Enterprise 1.11.2 when I could not load any page or get into admin and deleting /var/cache
did not fix the issue.
// Set user admin session
$userModel = Mage::getModel('admin/user');
// Call Magento clean cache action
// Enable all cache types
$enable = array();
foreach(Mage::helper('core')->getCacheTypes() as $type => $label){
$enable[$type] = 1;
// Refresh cache's
echo 'Refreshing cache...';
try {
echo 'Catalog Rewrites was refreshed successfully';
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo 'Error in Catalog Rewrites: '.$e->getMessage();
// This one caused an error for me - you can try enable it
/*try {
echo 'Catalog Index was rebuilt successfully';
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo 'Error in Catalog Index: '.$e->getMessage();
try {
$flag = Mage::getModel('catalogindex/catalog_index_flag')->loadSelf();
if ( $flag->getState() == Mage_CatalogIndex_Model_Catalog_Index_Flag::STATE_RUNNING ) {
$kill = Mage::getModel('catalogindex/catalog_index_kill_flag')->loadSelf();
echo 'Layered Navigation Indices was refreshed successfully';
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo 'Error in Layered Navigation Indices: '.$e->getMessage();
try {
echo 'Image cache was cleared successfully';
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo 'Error in Image cache: '.$e->getMessage();
try {
echo 'Search Index was rebuilded successfully';
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo 'Error in Search Index: '.$e->getMessage();
try {
echo 'CatalogInventory Stock Status was rebuilded successfully';
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo 'Error in CatalogInventory Stock Status: '.$e->getMessage();
try {
echo 'Flat Catalog Category was rebuilt successfully';
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo 'Error in Flat Catalog Category: '.$e->getMessage();
try {
echo 'Flat Catalog Product was rebuilt successfully';
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo 'Error in Flat Catalog Product: '.$e->getMessage();
echo 'Cache cleared';
// Rebuild indexes
echo 'Rebuilding indexes';
for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$process = Mage::getModel('index/process')->load($i);
try {
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo 'Error rebuilding index '.$i.': '.$e->getMessage();
echo 'Indexes rebuilt';
echo 'Finished!';